Account of the Year

2021 — Year of Antirecords in Ukraine Illustrated With Expressive Figures

2021, unfortunately, proved to be a year of anti-records all around the world including Ukraine. Below you can find my subjective ’Worst Figures Ever in Ukraine’ list which reflects not only the conditions of Ukraine’s society and the vulnerability of the health care system amidst the pandemic, but also shows the issues that was put in focus by the ruling political elite and also the status of Ukraine in international arena.

Ø It has already been seen by mid-December 2021 that, as concerning immigration, a new anti-record can be reached respecting the past eleven years’ average. In the first eleven months of 2021, more than 600 thousand Ukrainians left and not returned to Ukraine. The average annual outflow from Ukraine in the 2010’s was about 500 thousand. In eleven years (2010–2021) the number of persons emigrated from Ukraine hits 3,3 million.

Ø By now, the number of Ukrainians dead from coronavirus has been increased to 97,000. Altogether more than 3.7 million Ukrainians was affected by COVID-19 from the very beginning of the pandemic. Mortality rate in Ukraine is 1.5 higher than in other countries.

Ø Natural growth of population almost hits -200,000 (i.e. it is a decrease in fact, not a growth).

Ø According to SBU press releases published at the end of the year, altogether more than 100 criminal groups specialized for fabrication of fake COVID certificates were eliminated by the servicemen.

Ø In addition, SBU identified Russia’s FSB’s hackers behind over 5,000 (!) cyberattacks on Ukraine’s government bodies and critical infrastructure facilities.

Ø As for the media space, 5 tv chanels were closed due to pure political reasons (ZIK, NewsOne, 112 Ukraine, UkrLive, ’First Independent’). In accordance with the new Law on Oligarchs №5599, certain tycoons had to get rid of their shares in media outlets.

Ø In one month 5 ministers (!) were dismissed from the government.

Ø The price for gas skyrocketed up to 7,96 hryvnia (Naftogaz, average tariff for household consumers)- 13,5 hryvnia (Khersonskaya Oblast) per 1 m³.

Ø As part of power demonstrations both towards Ukraine and the NATO, Russia concentrated its troops along the borders with Ukraine — the number of Russian soldiers stationing there hits 100,000.

Ø Head of National Security and Defence Council Oleksiy Danilov announced that Ukraine can ’see’ everything in 400 km depth of Russia. (Concerning the Russian capabilities regarding Ukraine I consider this figure an anti-record.)

Each has its own list, own selection based on one’s own impressions and experiences gained throughout the year. The above issues reflect my priorities.

I wish a better and happier new year for everyone, and that in 2022, Ukraine can find its way back to the long-lost positive records, in all respect.






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