I was thinking in recent days, what results have been achieved, if any, in getting closer to restoration of peace in Ukraine. Despite some moderate but promising words both on behalf of the two sides of the war and also some influential third actors, including Pope Francis, no real shift in the positions could be observed.
I also wondered where real and substantial diplomacy disappeared. Classic diplomacy seems to be replaced by consultations of military advisers on additional arms supplies. Instead of negotiations, there are more and more lethal weapons.
I had to wake up to the truth that Ukraine’s peace initiative, the so-called Ukrainian Peace Formula declared in September 2022 was nothing more than another ’bubble’. I must admit that I myself fell for Ukraine’s trick and believed Kyiv. After having read all the news about this particular topic once again, I have come to the conclusion that I hardly believe that there was any real intention to do something for peace.
It was not so long time ago that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy in September 2022 announced that Ukraine had a formula of peace which punishes crime, protects life, restores security and territorial integrity, guarantees security, and provides determination. He also spoke about his firm belief that this formula can work and bring peace. The peace formula was presented by Zelenskiy during the session of the UN General Assembly, then, two months later once again in the G20 Summit. ’Ukraine offers the leading states of the world to be co-creators of peace together with us’, he said. Well, at this point one must have been very, very suspicious…
Just as a reminder, here are the 10-step proposals of Ukraine:
1. Radiation and nuclear safety.
2. Food security.
3. Energy security.
4. Release of all prisoners and deported persons.
5. Implementation of the UN Charter and restoration of Ukraine’s territorial integrity and the world order.
6. Withdrawal of Russian troops and cessation of hostilities.
7. Restoration of justice.
8. Countering ecocide.
9. Preventing escalation.
10. Confirmation of the end of the war.
Meeting all expectations, the Ukrainian Peace Formula was perceived extremely positively in the world. Ukraine and European leaders agreed on joint efforts to implement the peace formula which is formulated in such a way that its points allow each state and each leader to choose the aspect in which the determination of this particular state and leader can work. ’So that step by step we achieve the security architecture we need’, announced Zelenskiy in December 2022. In addition to EU members, African and Asian states were also invited to join the implementation of the Ukrainian proposals. All in all, both Europe and America were satisfied. As far as the United States are concerned, the list of Ukrainian proposals clearly shows that the U.S. made their mark on it. In this regard, the amendment to Point 5 ’and the world order’ is a clear indication of the American guidance. But, to be honest, some hopeful developments could really be felt in December which lasted unfortunately not too long.
It soon turned out, that all the nice phrases about the peace formula and the various means of participation in its implementation simply melted without a trace by January 2023. Just as the stage of the peace formula some months ago, this new stage was also opened by Zelenskiy, who announced that ’no attempt by Russia to manipulate diplomacy and politics will ever work again’. Two days later, on the 10th of January, he declared the beginning of the new stage of the Ukrainian diplomatic marathon. The constant Russian attacks and their criminal actions ’can be countered only by a new level of modern military equipment that Ukraine can get from partners’, he said. (…) ’The free world has everything necessary to stop Russian aggression and bring the terrorist state to a historic defeat. It’s important for global democracy, for all those who value freedom’, Zelenskiy added.
Are you aware how far we are from the peace formula? Ukraine’s leader and those who idolize him needed only four months to get from peace proposals to a final and lethal military solution: to bring Russia a historic defeat. Contrary to Zelenskiy, I cannot see any sign of diplomacy here. In my understanding, it is all about weapons.
European citizens, even journalists more and more speak about increasing tiredness of the war, the senseless and never-ending financing of Ukraine, the bigger and bigger weapons supplies, the increased inflation and food prices and, mainly, the senseless human losses. I myself can feel it every day, stronger and stronger. European leaders should listen to the quiet but clean-cut words of their own citizens more carefully. Our voices claiming negotiations instead of prolonging the war may sound only like a whisper today, but I am sure that the same voices can grow louder by tomorrow. I do hope that our politicians will soon stop refusing to listen to people.
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