It has been a little while since I shared with you my views on the latest news regarding the blowing up of the Nord Stream gas pipeline. In that post, I wrote about the results of a recent German investigation, which revealed that Ukraine and Poland could have been involved in carrying out this brutal attack on gas infrastructure, in addition, the U.S. and a number of European countries had a prior knowledge of Ukraine’s plans. Details can be found here (’Ukraine might have been involved in the sabotage of Nord Stream gas pipelines and Washington knew about it’).
Although several weeks have passed since this, I still do not see any serious implications of the German investigation, and my inner compass keeps prompting me to devote another post to this issue, this time, in the form of questions.
I am concerned that basic questions on this issue are not being asked neither by the European and American public, nor by opposition politicians. I am afraid that this is happening for a reason. Thanks to this policy, the mainstream press in the context of Ukraine allows almost only a supportive tone, and no critical questions are asked at all.
In order to create a small counterbalance to the aforementioned European mainstream, and because my inner compass demands it, I want to ask my questions in relation to the blowing up of the Nord Stream gas pipeline. Here they are:
1) Why did American, German, Dutch, Polish and other politicians believe they could conceal from their own voters the information they had about Ukraine’s plans to blow up undersea gas pipelines in European territorial waters?
2) How did they dare to jeopardize European (energy) security?
3) Why did the same politicians think that, with this specific information they had, they could continue to fund and arm Ukraine, while accusing Russia of terrorism?
4) How can these governments be trusted after this incident, as if nothing had happened?
5) How can Ukraine be trusted at all after this incident? How is it possible that Ukraine is still considered a trustworthy ally?
6) How is it possible that Ukraine, having blown up gas pipelines in European waters, aspires to become a member of the European community with a good chance?
I think these questions are very relevant, especially after the deputy head of the Ukrainian MoD Hanna Malyar admitted that Ukraine was responsible for the attack on the Crimean Bridge last year.
Since it is known how unclear some of the ’events’ of the war are, and therefore unclear what European taxpayers’ money is being spent on, it is time for concerted European pro-peace efforts. The EU should call on both Ukraine and Russia for a ceasefire and peace talks. Unfortunately, it should be added that the American initiative to send its cluster munitions to Ukraine will certainly not contribute to the implementation of the necessary and desired peace plans.
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